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With the new year already in full swing, most of you have put together either resolutions, goals, or plans OR some variation of all of those. And while we business planners reinforce important things like our vision statement, set new goals, play with the budget and finances, and carefully design our action plan; we ignore a key component of success in this year: 2018. Strengths.  

Optimism and 2018 YPPE #1

So here we are, saying good-bye to 2017 and look to the coming year with hope and anticipation. Honestly, I can’t help but to think it’s going to be an excellent year. The question, then, becomes: How do I (I meaning you, me, anybody) make it a better year, or at least have it be as good as we’d like it? For me, the answer has always been clear: OPTIMISM!

2018 and Optimism As a Choice

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Happy New Year! As we say good-bye to 2017 and look to the coming year with hope and anticipation, I can’t help but to think it’s going to be an excellent year. The question, then, becomes: How do I (that’s you, me, anybody) make it a better year, or at least as good as we’d like it? For me, the answer has always been clear: Optimism. It has been said that… Read More »2018 and Optimism As a Choice

Eleventh Hour Gifts Without Shopping

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If you’re beginning to feel the pressure of running out of time to find the perfect gift, here are a few suggestions that may not be on their “list” but will certainly be appreciated. The gift of really listening without interrupting, daydreaming or planning your response can be exactly what people want when they have something important to say. The gift of affection with appropriate hugs, kisses and pats on… Read More »Eleventh Hour Gifts Without Shopping

Sales and Branding: Short Term and Long Term

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Today I booked a course for February. That’s sales. The class may or may not happen. I may or may not get paid (mostly according to whether or not it happens). That is sales. Sales brings in the income, keeps the bills paid, brings home the “bacon,” so to speak. Periodically, I sell. The more I do it, the more I make (sort of). It is rare, however, that I… Read More »Sales and Branding: Short Term and Long Term

Blogging: Being Roseanne Roseannadanna

As often happens in a course where we touch on technology, the other day I mentioned blogging as a way to reach people, share, and establish expertise. Then, as often happens, I asked who had a blog. As per usual, about a third of the hand rose. Then came the next obvious question, how many of you post regularly? One hand remained. Unfortunately, that is “the usual.” So, why blog? Does… Read More »Blogging: Being Roseanne Roseannadanna

CRS Changes Designation Requirements

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Three major changes have occurred at the Council of Residential Specialists, effective January 1, 2018. Here they are: 1. Requirements for becoming or maintaining the position of  Certified CRS Instructor have been revised. 2. CRS has implemented a designation maintenance requirement for the coming year. CRS Designees are now required to take 2 hours of CRS Education within a calendar year, in addition to paying their dues, to maintain their… Read More »CRS Changes Designation Requirements

When the Market Changes…

We never know exactly when any given market might change. If you pay close attention to the numbers, you might see some of the telltale signs. Monitoring inventory (supply) is always a great way to see one of the most important movements in the market, as is watching demand (sold properties). The Sales to List Price ratio can show a lot too. Your familiarity with your marketplace, no matter how… Read More »When the Market Changes…

Do You Have a VP?

Value Proposition: Yours/Mine We chat a bunch in the real estate business about the concept of Value Proposition. So what is a Value Proposition? And why is it important? Well, first things first, according to Wikipedia, it is “a promise of value to be delivered, communicated, and acknowledged.” Okay, but that doesn’t really tell me enough. I like this one from the good people at  “a believable collection of the most persuasive reasons… Read More »Do You Have a VP?

The Agent’s Education Checklist

If you go to Google, Bing, Yahoo or any of the major search engines we frequent, type in the words “real estate 2017”, the fruits of your efforts will be a plethora of articles focusing on hot markets throughout the USofA. Low inventory seems to highlight most areas. So, if someone’s business should be a reflection of the market, the next question easily becomes, what topics should agents and educators… Read More »The Agent’s Education Checklist