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You Have Three Skills!

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Everyone of us has strengths, those things/traits/characteristics that we possess that separate us from others in our business. If properly deployed against hard work and smart branding, our strengths might be the thing that attracts business our way.  Can you write? Maybe you should be sharing content via a blog. Got personality? Maybe video is your path. Know a lot of stuff? How about podcasting? In this episode, we will… Read More »You Have Three Skills!

From Idea to Action: Bridging the Do/Do Gap

They (whoever they are) say that some people are idea people, and some are action people. I like to think I’m a little of both, or maybe a lot of both. The challenge is the Do/Do gap. My mind, as it races to solve problems, create opportunities, clarify issues, can generate a plethora of ideas. I can think of a great many things that I could/should/would want to DO. I… Read More »From Idea to Action: Bridging the Do/Do Gap

Bridging The Do/Do Gap

It was 4:15 this morning and I was lying in bed. The ideas were coming at break neck speed. One after another, after another. It was actually kind of incredible. By 5:05, I had to get up and see if any of these fabulous early morning, dawn breaking ideas, could survive the Do/Do gap.  Do/Do gap, you ask? Yes, the Do/Do gap. (he said DoDo – insert Beavis and Butthead laugh). They (whoever… Read More »Bridging The Do/Do Gap

The BIG Kahuna: Pricing to Sell in Any Market

The people who told you the only thing that mattered was location, location, location were lying, lying, lying. If you want to survive in the real estate business you must know the secrets of proper pricing. There is a simple solution to listings that don’t sell – price.

My Focus (maybe yours too) For This Fabulous Year

As the new year commences, I have a couple of things on my mind to keep me focused, to motivate me, to broaden me, to balance me in what is going to be the greatest year up till now. Questions or comment below or send to  

What Will You Learn?

“Change is the end result of all true learning.” – Leo Buscaglia “If you do what you’ve always done, you’ll get what you’ve always gotten.” – Tony Robbins Those two quotes really sit well together for me. If we want to get better, if we want to get to the next level, whatever that is for you (or me), some change must occur. If you do what you’ve always done…..… Read More »What Will You Learn?

Ready, Set, GOOOO!

“Miracles come in moments. Be ready and willing.” – Dr. Wayne Dyer The new year is here. Are you ready? It was girl scouts, or maybe the boy scouts, who said, “Be Prepared.” I have spent most all of December and this first week of January getting ready for what I believe will be a banner year in MY business, and in yours. I can’t explain it, I just feel… Read More »Ready, Set, GOOOO!

Books, Books, Books 2018: Has the Bar Been Lowered?

Maybe it’s just me, but yikes…. there are a lot of books being published. AND….. unfortunately many are, at best, mediocre. I get it, the world’s attention span is shrinking. Maybe, however, authors could take that into account and stop while they’re ahead. If you only have 85 pages worth of things to say, maybe your book should be 85 pages long. ANYWAY……..  having said all of that. Here are… Read More »Books, Books, Books 2018: Has the Bar Been Lowered?

More Comfortable, Convenient and Secure

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Smart home technology promises to make your home more comfortable, convenient and secure. It may not be the home from the Jetson’s but artificial intelligence is the hope to make it the home of the future which is available now and controlled from anywhere you have an Internet connection. When Alexa appeared at Christmas-time two years ago, most people thought it was a novelty to ask what the weather will… Read More »More Comfortable, Convenient and Secure

2019: All in on Strengths

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“Whether you’re 9 or 90, stop trying to fix the things you’re bad at, and focus on the things you’re good at.” – Gary Vaynerchuk It’s always been the case. Since Cain and Abel there has always been someone around to remind you of your weaknesses; what you suck at. It’s still the case in the 21st century. Talk radio, cable news, sports talk, social media….. let’s talk about what/who is… Read More »2019: All in on Strengths