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The Eight Irrefutable Laws of Customer Service

What is Customer Service? Before we can answer that, let’s go to and look for some definitions. First CUSTOMER: “a person who purchases goods or services from another” Next, SERVICE: “An act of helpful activity.” So, customer service is the act of helping someone who has purchased goods or services. The operative word, I believe, is activity. Customer service is active, even PROactive, not passive. It’s an action, not… Read More »The Eight Irrefutable Laws of Customer Service

Your IPOD is Video!

To say that the video explosion is coming to the internet is like saying that cars will replace horses as the main means of transportation. It’s already happened. 72 hours of youtube video is uploaded every minute, 4 billion videos everyday. Four billion hours of video are viewed each month. And get this; in 2011 there were one trillion youtube views OR 140 for every person on the planet. In… Read More »Your IPOD is Video!

Comfort Crosses Generations

My course repertoire has a large variety. Each course, however, is based on the following concept: No two buyers or sellers are ever the same – regardless of generation. But, to arrive at individual needs and wants, it is beneficial to become familiar with groups and preferences. While personality, lifestyle, and things like NLP are helpful, generational groupings also provide a unique framework from which to start. Each of the… Read More »Comfort Crosses Generations

Buyer Loyalty Takes Effort

Loyalty. We see it all over sports. Denver has people who bleed orange and blue. I haven’t lived in Detroit for close to 40 years yet remain a Red Wing and Tiger fan. And Chicago Cub fans? Yikes. There is some loyalty. Anywhere I teach, real estate agents share a common obstacle they face when working with buyers… LOYALTY! They say there is no problem getting sellers to be loyal,… Read More »Buyer Loyalty Takes Effort

Hitting the Road: Lots of Options, Many Blessings

As I pack my bags this morning, I am excited about the opportunity to teach at the Western Slope Realtor Rally in Grand Junction tomorrow. I am fortunate enough to get to teach two of my favorite things: Listings (Creating Listing Abundance) and Peak Performance (The Other Side of Peak Performance). Tomorrow begins a ten week run of non-stop teaching action and I couldn’t be more excited. The fun isn’t… Read More »Hitting the Road: Lots of Options, Many Blessings

How’s Your Package?

Wouldn’t it be great if there was someone who could precede your listing appointment: sharing the benefits of working with you, pontificating about the strength of your marketing plan, giving them just the right dose of information about how you work? Well, there is and he or she is staring back at you from your mirror. YOU, through an extremely effective positioning strategy can accomplish every one of those goals… Read More »How’s Your Package?

10 Reasons Being a Real Estate Agent is like Being a Marathoner

There are two things in my life I have done for a considerable amount of time: running (almost 50 years-over 108,000 miles) and real estate (24 years in many, many capacities). What I have learned from these experiences is that they are incredibly alike. So without further ado, I give you the Top Ten Reasons Being a Real Estate Agent is like Being a Marathoner. 10. It sounds real easy… Read More »10 Reasons Being a Real Estate Agent is like Being a Marathoner

It’s Leap Day: Take the Leap!

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Well, we on the Gregorian calendar have an extra day today, Leap Day. Wikipedia says, “February 29, known as a leap day in the Gregorian calendar, is a date that occurs in most years that are evenly divisible by 4, such as 2004, 2008, 2012 and 2016. Years that are evenly divisible by 100 do not contain a leap day, with the exception of years that are evenly divisible by… Read More »It’s Leap Day: Take the Leap!

Five Marketing Principles

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“Money coming in says I’ve made the right marketing decisions.” So says author Adam Osborne As salespeople, one of our chief duties is to find business. This, either fortunately, or unfortunately, sends us down the road to marketing. So that each of us might do a better job marketing, there are five important marketing principles to follow. 1. Personal Promotion. Marketing is all about you. Personal promotion is all about… Read More »Five Marketing Principles

The Six Pillars of Peak Performance

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A pillar is, according to Merriam-Webster, “a firm upright support for a superstructure.” If you want to support that superstructure which is your business, or even your life, you need strong pillars. And the more super you want that superstructure to be, the stronger your pillars must be in order for it all to work. At the core of Peak Performance is Six Pillars. They are Planning, Leadership, Excellence, Attitude,… Read More »The Six Pillars of Peak Performance