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Daily RICHual #13: The Path Out of Deadlock

Yesterday we covered deadlock in a negotiation So how do we end deadlock without having to walk away from the deal? Every situation is unique, but here are 5 methods to help help construct the way out of deadlock.

Comfort Does It!

When it comes to sales, so many factors go into the trickiest of all equations: customer satisfaction. For many, customer satisfaction is simply making the sale without incident. For others, it’s delivering what the customer/client wanted and having the entire experience be good (or at least, not bad). I like what Harry Beckwith, best selling customer service guru said, “A customer’s satisfaction is the gap between what the customer expects… Read More »Comfort Does It!

Daily RICHual #12: Why Deadlock Happens

There comes a time in many negotiations when progress halts and deadlock ensues.  Several things happen when deadlock occurs and if you know what they are, and what to do about them, success can be the result. One problem, of course, is when people involved in a negotiation become unmotivated. In a world where buyers want to buy and sellers want to sell, if one doesn’t. THAT can be a… Read More »Daily RICHual #12: Why Deadlock Happens

Daily RICHual #11: Still the No-Tech Solution

Technology is moving at a break neck speed. New gadgets, designed to save mankind from the discomforts of life, are developed daily (maybe hourly). Some things, however, remain as they have for years.   One such example of an old idea that technology has yet to improve, is the common pallet.

Daily RICHual #9 . Being a Better Listener

We spend a ton of our lives in conversations. We talk, we listen. Or do we? How good of a listener are you? AND would it be valuable to get better at it? According to those in the know, the best listening is called active listening and it is defined as listening with the intent to understand. It, like empathy, is OTHER oriented. So in the interest of everyone who… Read More »Daily RICHual #9 . Being a Better Listener

Daily RICHual #8 . Empathy

Yesterday we listed four traits/skills/tips for being a better negotiator. Here’s another – and it’s a BIGGIE: Empathy. Empathy is our ability to understand how someone else feels, to be able to “walk a mile in their shoes.” While empathy is all encompassing as a life skill, it’s essential for negotiators.

Daily RICHual #7 . Negotiating Tips

We negotiate all the time. It’s not just a work thing, it’s a life thing. There are some great resources for being a better negotiator and I’ve listed a few of my favorites in the notes. But for the sake of the moment, here are four of my favorites: 1. Separate the people from the problem 2. Pre-Position everything 3. Understand motivation 4. Be a better listener

Daily RICHual #6 Gratitude

Every time I say the words, “happiness is not having what you want, it’s wanting what you have,” most people chuckle and say, “Yeah, sure, right!” Then almost without exception they will say something skeptical or negative. The problem is that most people think that saying that implies that it’s okay to settle for the way things are, to not have goals, to be stuck. To me, it simply taking… Read More »Daily RICHual #6 Gratitude

Daily RICHual #5 Visual Presentations

Two days ago while teaching a technology class to a room full of Realtors, one rolled up when we were finished and said, I really liked your slides. The visuals were great and REALLY anchored the points you were making. BOOM. Mission accomplished. Anyone doing any kind of a presentation for whomever, MUST understand the power of the visual. The experts tell us that 83% of effective learning is visual.… Read More »Daily RICHual #5 Visual Presentations

Daily RICHual #3 . Girl Scouts and Sales/Branding

We hear a lot about Branding and sales in today entrepreneurial world. What’s the difference? Simple. Sales is short term, it’s focused on the sale, and it’s me chasing you. Branding is long term, focused on the relationship, and it’s trying to get you to come to me. Too often, we think that the key to getting the sale is to sell people. And while there’s a smidgeon of truth… Read More »Daily RICHual #3 . Girl Scouts and Sales/Branding