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Transformation: Day One, or so…..

This picture from 2000 hangs on the fridgeand in my office. Roughly 175 here. It was Gary Vaynerchuk who said, “Document, don’t create.” So here it is, the documenting of my transformation. I’ll more than likely be chronicling here twice a week or so. I like this venue because this documenting is really for me rather than some public hype thing. Given RunSpittle’s moderate readership, I’ll be safe here. So, here… Read More »Transformation: Day One, or so…..

Grateful Running in the Pandemic.

It’s interesting the subtle change. It’s not just today or last week, because it can also happen in that race when, for awhile, you’ve been reduced to a walk. You’re going along and you think, “well this isn’t so bad,” OR you’re thinking, “Man, walking sucks.” Then all of a sudden, the walk becomes a jog, a run, a jaunt….. then in that next moment, it’s completely different and you… Read More »Grateful Running in the Pandemic.

Daily RICHual #75: Why we must rest (disengage), the physical viewpoint

In 1992, training methodologist Tudor Bompa and his colleague Fred Koch wrote on the theory of Overcompensation. As Jim Loehr would discuss the value of disengagement, Bompa and Koch would show you the value of recovery in your physical performance. The idea is that after the body receives a major stressor, a hard workout for example, and is allowed to recover the correct amount of time, it will bounce back… Read More »Daily RICHual #75: Why we must rest (disengage), the physical viewpoint

Smartphones Solve the People Problem? NOT!

Smartphones aren’t so smart. I mean, they couldn’t just walk (or run) around, do math, bench press and actually survive without….. yes, you guessed it….. people. The problem is, people are people. As you may know, I teach sales people for a living. Some of them are tech savvy, some, not so much. They pretty much all agree, however, that while technology has changed some of the ways we do… Read More »Smartphones Solve the People Problem? NOT!

Daily RICHual #74: My 3 Disengagement Successes

esterday I mentioned Jim Loehr’s idea that in order to be fully engaged, we must periodically practice full engagement. While I’ve been doing a good number of things to disengage, I want to mention three as they are the most significant AND the ones I would like to take with me into post pandemic life. 1) Meditation. I’ve had the Headspace app for a year and a half and will… Read More »Daily RICHual #74: My 3 Disengagement Successes

Daily RICHual #73: Building in Down time

I’ve been working a lot during the pandemic. Not my usual work, which has me traveling from place to place delivering courses and classes. Mostly I have been tweaking old content, placing it into today’s context, creating some new stuff, reading about the things that interest me, and facilitating ZOOM classes. So, I’ve been busy trying to be fully engaged during this so called “down time.” I’ve also been actively… Read More »Daily RICHual #73: Building in Down time

Daily RICHual #72: Corona Virus and the short attention span

Saturday I was heading to the grocery store to grab a few essential items and I noticed that the streets and roads were packed. And I mean packed like a fairly normal Saturday. And we’re on Stay at Home, right? Buzz Aldrin said, “People were excited when we landed on the moon. You go to the moon a couple more times and they’re not so excited.” No judgment here, but… Read More »Daily RICHual #72: Corona Virus and the short attention span

Daily RICHual #71: Muhammad Ali and Corona friendliness

Muhammad Ali once said, “My definition of evil is unfriendliness.” I’d like to say right up front that this quote might be a little harsh for the circumstance I am about to describe. Butt covered? Yes. A thing that I’ve noticed out on the trail since the “Stay at Home” order is that there are two kinds of people out for a walk, run, or ride: The ones that are… Read More »Daily RICHual #71: Muhammad Ali and Corona friendliness

Daily RICHual #70: Time Management? No, Energy Management

I’d like to recommend a book that more than likely you have not read (that’s the best kind of recommendation, right?). It’s called The Power of Full Engagement and it is written by Jim Loehr in 2003. Available on Amazon. If you’re like me, you strive to be the best you can be. You understand that the quantity of time you spend in this life is secondary to the quality… Read More »Daily RICHual #70: Time Management? No, Energy Management

Movement Breeds Optimism: Less Bored in the Pandemic….

It’s been a month since my last post and everyone who thought this Corona thing would go away “quickly,” whatever that meant, is still trying to get their bearings. Frankly, since day one, I decided I wasn’t going to get it and have done everything I can to make sure I didn’t. So far…… Awesome.My work has been crippled immensely b y this thing. When you travel and teach large… Read More »Movement Breeds Optimism: Less Bored in the Pandemic….