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Daily RICHual #33: Leave me a message

It is estimated that 290 billion emails are sent every day. To break that down for you, that’s 2.8 million per second and 90 trillion a year. Along with that, several sources assert that over 8 billion cell phone calls are made every day. AND… according to Tech Jury, 8 trillion, 395 billion, text messages are sent yearly….. Yikes. I’m not sure about you, but I have noticed people seem… Read More »Daily RICHual #33: Leave me a message

Daily RICHual #32: Gretzky and PREactive Service

Hockey great, Wayne Gretzky, once explained that the greatest players didn’t go to the puck, they went to where the puck will be. Anticipation. Proactive playing? No, he showed us something new. He gave us PREactive. Customer Service is like hockey. While it is better to react than to do nothing, it is much better to be proactive than to simply react. Being proactive was a great idea when it… Read More »Daily RICHual #32: Gretzky and PREactive Service

Daily RICHual #31: Why Learn? Better than Sex?

As an educator, I often ponder the question, Why Learn? So, using resources ranging from INC magazine, to Natalie Sisson, to the Campaign for Learning: here’s 8 reasons why you should learn. 1.   95% of people think that learning about new things boosts your confidence. 2.  92% of people think that learning about new things is enjoyable 3.  A sense of accomplishment and pride. 4.  learning can lead to a… Read More »Daily RICHual #31: Why Learn? Better than Sex?

Daily RICHual #30: We Get an Extra Day!

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Well, we on the Gregorian calendar have an extra day Saturday, Leap Day. Wikipedia says, “February 29, known as a leap day in the Gregorian calendar, is a date that occurs in most years that are evenly divisible by 4, such as 2004, 2008, 2012 and 2016. Years that are evenly divisible by 100 do not contain a leap day, with the exception ofyears that are evenly divisible by 400, which do contain… Read More »Daily RICHual #30: We Get an Extra Day!

Daily RICHual #28: Use Your Tools

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After attending the R4 RE/MAX convention, I am reminded of the number of real estate agents that are not aware of the tools at their disposal. Most of the major real estate brands have spent millions of dollars attempting to give their agents an edge in the marketplace through a plethora of tools, systems and resources. At the same time, agents everywhere complain that their companies take their money and… Read More »Daily RICHual #28: Use Your Tools

Daily RICHual #27: Lessons from Grandpa Sands

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My Grandfather, Ernest Sands, was a railroad guy. After World War I he began working for the railroad and pretty much never stopped until they kicked him out at retirement. What I remember about him was working. And the best memory was him working with me. Every Saturday morning, before normal people were awake, we would walk for four hours or more delivering handbills. Handbills, at least that’s what we… Read More »Daily RICHual #27: Lessons from Grandpa Sands

Daily RICHual #26 Customer Service: Giver or Taker

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When it comes to customer service, do your people perceive you as giving more or taking away? As we know, a huge part of customer service is perception. What does the customer think they see or think they experience? A group noticed two candy stores in the same neighborhood that offered, pretty much, the same candy. Kids, however, preferred one over the other by leaps and bounds. When asked “WHY?”… Read More »Daily RICHual #26 Customer Service: Giver or Taker

Candy Store Service: Are You A Giver or a Taker?

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When it comes to customer service, do your people perceive you as giving more or taking away?    As we know, a huge part of customer service is perception. What does the customer think they see or think they experience?   I got thinking about this after reading an article on the website The group noticed two candy stores in the same neighborhood that offered, pretty much, the same… Read More »Candy Store Service: Are You A Giver or a Taker?

Daily RICHual #25: Train People to be with People

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Without naming names, there are quite a few entities in the real estate business focused on delivering products, services, and methodology to obtain more sales. Some sell programs and apps, some sell their services, and some “employ” agents. As a trainer of real estate agents, I have seen it all and see more every single day. And while some of it is great, some of it sucks and some of… Read More »Daily RICHual #25: Train People to be with People

Daily RICHual #24: Send me that text, really?

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With texting sweeping the nation, a natural bi-product of this movement is the reaction of older people who believe that texting is sending us down the path to absolute non-communication or worse, the devil. The same reaction, by the way, that my Great GrandpaBlackmer had to the telephone. So is it? Of course not, BUUUT is it? Famous UCLA psychologist Albert Mehrabian who taught us about effective communication, said this: … Read More »Daily RICHual #24: Send me that text, really?