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Daily RICHual #91: Happy Memorial Day

Memorial Day began in 1868 as a way to remember and honor those who died while serving in the military.    Memorial Day is also looked upon as the unofficial beginning of summer and here in the Denver Metro area as being the day 50,000 + runners and walkers gather for the Bolder Boulder.   I’m not sure but it just seems to me that too often we forget this… Read More »Daily RICHual #91: Happy Memorial Day

Daily RICHual #90: Nothing is something today!

Sometimes the Daily RICHual is silence. Sometimes when there is little or nothing on your mind, it is best to leave it that way. Is nothing something? Today it is and THAT is your Daily RICHual.

Daily RICHual #89: What do I do with my hands?

There is an episode of How I Met Your Mother called the Bracket and in itMarshall has to pretend like he’s minding his own business. His problem is he doesn’t know what to do with his hands. Up until a few weeks ago, I had the same problem meditating. Nice seque, huh? My initial guided sessions didn’t really give any advice, so I did what any inquiring, self-motivated person would… Read More »Daily RICHual #89: What do I do with my hands?

Daily RICHual #88: I Got a Haircut

There have been quite a few things about this Corona Virus crap that has made our last couple of months challenging. First, don’t get me wrong, the sickness, death and devastation to many families has been terrible and I struggle to find the words to fully express that. I am just grateful for my health and the health of those close to me. Having said that, I got something today… Read More »Daily RICHual #88: I Got a Haircut

Daily RICHual #87: Video Marketing Still Rocks!

While adding some updated information to a Zoom class I’m doing tomorrow on video marketing, I found 7 interesting statistics: •In 2019 85% of all internet users watched video •They spend 88% more time on a website with video •Internet users spent 6:48 hours watching videos per week •Mobile video consumption is still rising over 100% per year •1 billion hours of video is consumed each day on YouTube •Video… Read More »Daily RICHual #87: Video Marketing Still Rocks!

Daily RICHual #86: A Little Mindfulness Goes a Long Way

So I’ve been doing quite a bit of meditation the last four weeks. A key concept that comes up over and over is mindfulness. Being mindful allows people to train their mind to observe their own thoughts, feelings, and sensations with an objective view. Almost like an outsider looking in who doesn’t care. Some of the benefits of this have been found to be Higher brain functioning; Increased immune function;… Read More »Daily RICHual #86: A Little Mindfulness Goes a Long Way

Daily RICHual #85: Lessons to my Sons

If you asked my sons what they learned from me growing up they would tell you TWO things: The 1st was to Be aware. If one of the boys was reaching across the table and knocked over their milk, no one was angry about the milk. The lesson was that next time, you should be aware of your surroundings. Headspace fonder, and former Buddhist monk Andy Puddicombe had a teacher… Read More »Daily RICHual #85: Lessons to my Sons

Daily RICHual #84: Mind, Body and Positivity

So our brains produce substances that can improve your health, stuff like endorphins, gamma globulins. These chemicals strengthen your immune system Recent research has shown that what your brain produces depends, at least in part, on your thoughts, feelings and expectations And in their study, Drs Heather Rasmussen, Michael Scheier, and Joel Greenhouse, showed that when you’re sick and you have hope, a positive attitude, AND believe that you’ll get… Read More »Daily RICHual #84: Mind, Body and Positivity

Diligent Transformation During Stay at Home

As someone who travels and then stands in front of people for a living, this whole Corona Virus thing has presented a bit of an obstacle. I had the busiest two and a half month run ever get postponed, cancelled, or taken online. Amazingly, I have been pretty darn okay with it. Yeah, I miss the income (a lot), but had good enough early months to easily keep the ship… Read More »Diligent Transformation During Stay at Home

Daily RICHual #83: Use Your Strengths for Good

Your strengths aren’t just for you and they’re not just for marketing. Your strengths, if you think outside of the box a bit, could be used to help others. •Are you Well connected? The right introduction could lead to a job prospect getting a job, or maybe just a new friendship. •Love fitness? Sign up for a charitable walk or run and give to a cause you care about. •Expert… Read More »Daily RICHual #83: Use Your Strengths for Good