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February 2020

Comfort Does It!

When it comes to sales, so many factors go into the trickiest of all equations: customer satisfaction. For many, customer satisfaction is simply making the sale without incident. For others, it’s delivering what the customer/client wanted and having the entire experience be good (or at least, not bad). I like what Harry Beckwith, best selling customer service guru said, “A customer’s satisfaction is the gap between what the customer expects… Read More »Comfort Does It!

Daily RICHual #12: Why Deadlock Happens

There comes a time in many negotiations when progress halts and deadlock ensues.  Several things happen when deadlock occurs and if you know what they are, and what to do about them, success can be the result. One problem, of course, is when people involved in a negotiation become unmotivated. In a world where buyers want to buy and sellers want to sell, if one doesn’t. THAT can be a… Read More »Daily RICHual #12: Why Deadlock Happens

Daily RICHual #11: Still the No-Tech Solution

Technology is moving at a break neck speed. New gadgets, designed to save mankind from the discomforts of life, are developed daily (maybe hourly). Some things, however, remain as they have for years.   One such example of an old idea that technology has yet to improve, is the common pallet.