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Intermission, Goals and Dancing Hot Dogs

CAUTION! The video below may produce nostalgic memories, hunger or nightmares. Watch only after extreme forethought. Discretion is advised.

Happy July 1st. Half of the year is gone. It’s intermission. Anyone old enough to remember drive-in movies will fondly (or scarily) recall juggling popcorn bags, tightrope walking ice cream bars and of course, dancing hot dogs being the highlight of that halfway point at the movie.

So tell me (or someone else or just yourself), it’s intermission, how’s it going? Are you on schedule to have the kind of year you planned? Business working? Family? Recreational activities? Other things?

I don’t believe in New Years resolutions. To me, any day is a good day to set goals and strive to get better. I do know, however, that many goals are set in conjunction with the calendar year. So, since we’re at the halfway point, I’ll ask again, how is it going?

Today, I am on target for some of my goals (weight loss almost exactly at half of the goal), really close enough to call it “on target” for some others (mileage for the year and number of classes booked for 2015), and there are some that simply are not happening as I planned. As a result, I am optimistic about a few, hopeful on some others and ready to either alter a few OR find some new approaches that will help me achieve those pesky ones. Some have already been adjusted.

For me, and hopefully you as well, this is no surprise. I monitor my goals constantly. Like the blue dot steadily moving along the purple line of my iphone Google map, it helps me to be able to see where I am along the purple line that is my goals and the direction of my life. If I don’t know, well…… I don’t know. So, I want to keep track.

When the Cheshire Cat told Alice that it doesn’t matter which way you go if you don’t know where you’re going, he was unknowingly referring to goal setting and achieving. What he didn’t tell her was that if you not only don’t know (or care) where you are going AND have no idea where you are, you are in double trouble (ORRRRRR maybe completely happy not worrying about such things, but I digress…).

So what am I saying?

If unlike Alice, you have a goal, a destination, now is a good time to evaluate how your journey is progressing (as is every other day but halfway is kind of a landmark). If you’re on track – great. If not, it’s perfectly okay to alter the plan or even the goal. Yes, even the goal. They are yours, by the way, no one said they weren’t adjustable.

Intermission over. Back at it (if I could only erase the image of those hot dogs….).