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The Carabiner: Tip 26

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Otto Herzog in 1911 was the first climber to have used the carabiner device, a metal loop with a spring-loaded gate used to quickly and reversibly connect components. It is an essential component in climbing success.

The Real Estate Carabiner equally understands the importance of being able to connect components, whether people, systems, tasks or networks to create a better business. There are three critical parts of the Carabiner: the anchor (you), the coupling (others) and the gateway (how we reach them) and mastering all can catapult your business to the next level.

The concept here is simple: The Anchor (you) has expertise, a personality, a plan. The Coupling (others) are buyers, sellers, vendors, affiliates and also family and friends. The Gateway is the many different ways in which we attach to and/or reach them.
In spite of the enormous advancements in technology, we are still connectors (well at least successful people are connectors). Or maybe Carabiners…..

The use of the Carabiner in mountain climbing was based solely on the idea of connection. In sales, a lack of connection may not be as life threatening as it is in the mountain, but it might be close in a business sense. In this tip are five keys to connection.