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Presentation Delivery: The Two Minute Tip 15

For decades we have focused primarily on what we have in our listing arsenal that might work for an individual seller. We say, “I have this and I have that, and I have this other thing.” We think whomever has the most stuff wins. In reality, the best way to differentiate your self from the pile heapers is to do a great job describing your plan.

Practically every year 40% of all buyers are first time buyers. Taking that out logically, a great many of sellers each year would have to be first time sellers. And whether they are first timers or not, a little more time spent in explanation has to be a good thing in a world where a lot of people think that MLS stands for Major League Soccer.

What follows is a simple approach to letting a potential seller know what you have for them, how it works or what it does and what’s in it for them.
Feature, About, Benefit: FAB: your ticket to a FABulous presentation.