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A Great Time For Taxes

Did I just say that? A great time for taxes???
Oddly yes, I did. In the few days left prior to departing for the Napa Valley Marathon, I have been meticulously working on my tax worksheet for my accountant. It’s good to have something to do.
Yesterday I ran six miles. Even though it was a pretty crappy run and extremely windy, I had to fight the urge to go a little longer. Today’s run will be much the same as far as distance goes and we’ll keep that rolling until Sunday morning. 
At this point, the only thing I am sure of is that I will feel better and stronger as the week goes on. My eighteen week training block was divided into three six week macrocycles and then further split into 6 microcycles. Pretty much everything has went well. At the line Sunday, I will have logged 979 miles during the block including three 20 milers, a couple of 16’s and a pair of 15’s. I’ve also, surprisingly, stuck with my strength and core program and I must confess, I feel the difference. The weight loss didn’t quite happen in the poundage (tonnage) I had hoped for, but the 22 pounds I’ve lost came off gradually and I’m alright with that. I will actually hit the start line at roughly the same weight as Boston ten years ago (which, by the way, is not necessarily a good thing – but better than 18 weeks ago).

So I need to go run (maybe I’ll sneak in an extra one). And pass that 1099 Misc over there. I think I missed that one.