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Alberto Salazar for President!

The Olympics have come and gone and the world seems to be back to its usual divided self. And when I say “the world” what I really mean is all parts of the world: countries and countries, people and people. No better example of this has been the spewing from both sides of the political spectrum since the choosing of Paul Ryan over the weekend. Frankly, I’ve had it.The Olympics… Read More »Alberto Salazar for President!

Curly Meets Sweet Baby James

As I ponder my existence and periodically search for meaning in this wild and crazy world, I seek guidance from the philosophical Masters of the universe. Normally, I seek the wisest of council from The Most Interesting Man in the World. In this case I look elsewhere. My two Masters are Curly, the hardened cowboy in the movie City Slickers and James Taylor, singer/songwriter. Interestingly, Curly gives enlightenment for  the… Read More »Curly Meets Sweet Baby James

Are You ALL IN?

You see it on the Sunday night poker challenge, you see it in Casino Royale. At the peak moment of the game, someone risks everything and goes “ALL IN!” They’re putting all the chips they have out in the pot and just, simply, going for it. This concept, thought by some to be admirable, is thought by as many or more, to be absolutely crazy. Then there is the small,… Read More »Are You ALL IN?

Dream Big

Tonight Lauren Fleshman will run in the qualifying heats of the Olympic Trials. As a Facebook friend, running aficionado and admirer of great talent, her story is not new to me. It was brought to the forefront of my mind today, however, because of two things: Her race is tonight (yeah, I said that) and she posted an awesome blog today reviewing her path to this day. That link is… Read More »Dream Big

The Price of a Chocolate Chip Cookie

There are two places of, what I will call for today, Customer Service Evil: cell phone companies and airlines. If pressed to add to the list, I suppose I could also include utility companies, cable/satellite providers and the US Government. These entities have three things in common: They are huge industries, they seem to think they have no competition (or at least they play the game that way) and they… Read More »The Price of a Chocolate Chip Cookie

Hey, This Stuff Actually Works!

Not long ago, a “friend” gave my name to a custom haberdasher. Not exactly something any of us is hoping our friends would do, right? Well, being a good friend and having an interest in male clothing I decided to meet with this gentleman, Jake Mansfield, of Tom James Inc. Even before our meeting, Jake did some things very well (at least for me, his potential customer). He called me… Read More »Hey, This Stuff Actually Works!

The Run Wave and The 3 Facebook Options

I had three separate, similar moments on the running trail yesterday morning, each paralleling the  experience of posting on Facebook. I was running on the Cherry Creek Trail and as I approached an oncoming fellow runner I did/said what I usually do/say: “Good Morning (as I wave)!” Consider that my aerobic version of a Facebook post, my status update. I am reaching out to another human being(s). As is the… Read More »The Run Wave and The 3 Facebook Options

Leaping Ahead! Are you?

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Well, we on the Gregorian calendar have an extra day today, Leap Day.  Wikipedia says, “February 29, known as a leap day in the Gregorian calendar, is a date that occurs in most years that are evenly divisible by 4, such as 2004, 2008, 2012 and 2016. Years that are evenly divisible by 100 do not contain a leap day, with the exception of years that are evenly divisible by… Read More »Leaping Ahead! Are you?

Nice People At Wal-Mart

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I was standing in line at Wally World today and I was able to witness people-niceness first hand. A little (like 4 foot 8) lady was checking out. Her last item scanned was a rotisserie chicken. She handed the cashier her money, it was counted and the cashier said, “I’m sorry, this isn’t quite enough.” Before even the words, “I’m sorry, I won’t be able to get it,” came out… Read More »Nice People At Wal-Mart

New Year, New Opportunities, Your Choice!

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As we say good-bye to 2011 and look to the coming year with hope and anticipation, I can’t help but to think it’s going to be a much better year. It HAS to be, right? The question, then, becomes: How do I (that’s you, me, anybody) make it a better year? For me, the answer has always been clear: Optimism. It has been said that “what you think upon, expands,”… Read More »New Year, New Opportunities, Your Choice!